Ayurvedic Tips For Riding Out a Hurricane

September 28, 2022

From an Ayurvedic standpoint, a hurricane is pure Vata unleashed. Combining the space and air elements into a swirling vortex of movement and crazy activity, a hurricane exacerbates all the things we Vata types can’t stand – chaos, uncertainty, anxiety, overstimulation, and noise. The churning air and water stirs things up far outside of our normal tolerance zone for activity and it can make our inner world feel just as crazy as the storm’s leading edge.

So if you’re feeling rocked by too much Category 4 swirl, here are a few steps you can take to stay settled.

1. Hunker down and spend some quiet time meditating. The stillness of meditation will help mitigate the internal and external turbulence you’re experiencing. Keep yourself settled and grounded to the best of your ability. Close your eyes and check in with yourself every chance you get.

2. Breathe deep and slow. Long deep breaths, with emphasis on slow exhalations help to stimulate the vagus nerve which calms the fight or flight response allowing you to think more clearly and take things one step at a time.

3. Avoid catastrophizing. Don’t park yourself in front of an endless news cycle of storm tracking and disaster prepping. Tune in from time to time to stay updated on the storm’s position and intensity, but don’t get pulled into an endless loop of melodrama and fear. A Vata person is especially sensitive to worst case scenario thinking, so don’t give yourself any extra reasons to freak out.

4. Move slow and stay mellow. Unless there’s and imminent need to evacuate or take emergency action, conserve your energy, stay calm, and don’t overreact. This too shall pass.

5. Keep it quiet. Roaring winds and pelting rain can create an auditory overload that can feel endless in a long haul storm. If you can hide away in a clothes closet (with lots of clothing to muffle the sounds) or wear some noise cancelling headphones, your rattled senses will thank you.

6. Lay off the caffeine and alcohol. Although storm ride-out parties are almost an art form, the drying nature of alcohol and the simulation of caffeine only serve to amp up an already Vata deranged individual. Stay hydrated and if possible, favor warming teas to stay soothed.

7. Don’t take anything you say or think during the storm personally. Chances are your emotional reactivity will be higher than normal and in many ways you won’t be yourself. Avoid making any big decisions or having any emotional discussions while riding out a nasty storm. You’re likely to see things very differently once the storm passes. Be extra patient with yourself and others during this time.

Even if you’re not a Vata type, a hurricane can have a significant impact on your mind-body state. When the collective consciousness of a state or region is caught up in the “cone of uncertainty” the entire vibe feels off. The elements and forces of nature are creating a large scale disturbance that we would be wise to notice.

And remember to extend a little extra compassion and sensitivity toward your Vata friends during a hurricane, because they are probably not okay.

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